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Our Courses

Our Courses

Course Description Components

Learn about where you can find course descriptions, what information they include, how they work, and details about various components of a course description. Course descriptions report information about a university or college's classes. They're published both in course catalogs that outline degree requirements and in course schedules that contain descriptions for all courses offered during a particular semester, quarter, or year. These schedules also contain the course meeting times and the instructor or professor teaching each section.

Many schools offer this information online as an electronic document or directly through their website, along with, or instead of, printed catalogs. Course descriptions include information about available courses, such as:

  • Name of the college or department offering the course
  • Semesters or quarters offered
  • Course name and number
  • Number of credits
  • Restrictions or prerequisites
  • Brief summary of topics covered in the class
  • Additional costs or fees, if applicable
  • Registration information